Wednesday 13 March 2019

Life as a Housemen in Malaysia

1st posters

Assalamualaikum and what is up people..!

Im back to writing a blog after 5 years since my last entry? So guess what, Im currently in my last and final posting of my housemenship ( surgical ) training and boy do I have a lot to tell. This entry is specially written for those of you who are thinking of doing medicine, who is already a medical student, and most of all those who are awaiting their housemenship. Sit back, relax cause its gonna be a detail breakdown. 

A little bit of my background. I wasn't the brightest during UPSR got 3As 1B 1C ( sains for gods sake ) but that was because of a language barrier. See I didn't quite understand Bahasa initially as I was brought up with English being my mother tongue. So went on to PMR got 8As and SPM 9As. Decided that going to matrix wasn't an option as they have tight rules like curfew and can only go out on the weekends. My god..! I had enough of that so I went on to Asasi Puncak Alam for 1 year. If you are currently at this stage or A levels, try your best to score and get that 4.0 flat CGPA cause students now days are smart. But with that in mind a few of my friends still got into medical school despite not having a 4 pointer because your interview is EVERYTHING. So 5 years in medical school in USM Kubang Kerian Kelantan and it was awesome! Graduated and waited for almost 1 year before I got my HO placement.

1st posting medical - peritoneal tapping during post call

The question I get ask a lot is that whether one should do it near or far away from their family. Until now, I still do not have the answer and it really depends on you. My advice is try to get somewhere in between where your HOship will still be driving distance from your family because it will get tough.

Some say that if you do your HO ship in this state KKM will not allow you to be an MO in that same state however there is no black and white regarding this issue except for Klang. Do your research and ask your seniors. Some hospitals are more harsh/malignant and some are more benign but regardless even the most 'so called benign' hospitals here do get extended as well if you really have issues.

However with the new contract system we've been told that all house officers who finish their 6th posting will have to float at their same hospital until they get their permanent post..! That will mean maybe another 1 year max? Who knows.

Generally which ever hospital you choose, there are 6 compulsory departments that you will have to go through namely
  • Medical ( medical based )
  • Paediatrics ( medical based )
  • Orthopedics ( surgical based )
  • Surgical
  • Obstetric & Gynecology
  • Emergency / Anaethesiology / Psychiatric / Klinik Kesihatan ( choose 1 )

For the Emergency / Anaes postings some hospitals might send you there as early as you completed 1 medical based, 1 surgical based, and O&G. So you will be in those postings earliest by your 4th posting like me. Some hospitals might let you choose which posting you want to enroll 1st but most of the time they will do the choosing.

What are you expected to do as a housemen?
  1. Clerk new cases
  2. Am, Pm, On call reviews
  3. Writing discharges
  4. Referrals ( in and out patients )
  5. Request for imaging ( ct brain, ultrasound, etc)
  6. Set an IV line ( branula )
  7. Blood taking ( veins, arterial, blood culture + senstivity )
  8. Attend to a collapse patient
  9. Assisting in operations especially O&G
  10. Clinic duties
These are the top 10 that I could think of. Though no one is expecting you to know all this on your 1st day but be well prepared they will still ask you to do it. That is why your tagging period is crucial for you to learn all these skills for you to be a functioning HO.

Usually depends on each posting but generally speaking its from 7am - 10pm everyday for 2 weeks or some even 1 month depends on your off tag assessment by your mentor. It is for you to be a safe doctor and prepare you for your on call later.

Know Your Priorities
Believe me that you will be able to function continuously for more then 24 hours without sleep whether you like it or not. This is the most crucial aspect of being a doctor. For example : you"re on your way to the bathroom after doing dozens of discharges and suddenly the nurse yelled " Dr..patient collapse..! should you continue with your business? Of course not.

A few other real examples that I saw recently was this new housemen came quite early to the medical ward, as he arrived the nurse noted to him " Dr katil 24 branula dislodge " so he attended the patient and attempted twice. That took him more then 1 hour..! Only then did he seek for a senior's help and it was 7.45am and he haven't even started reviewing his patients. Know your priorities. Was the branula URGENT? Simply ask the nurse why did that patient need the branula? If you think it can wait then do it after your rounds.

6th posting surgical - remember to remove your watch..!
Being a housemen is no joke. No one understands what its like unless one has endured the journey. Times will come where you wish you shouldn't have picked medicine or you wish to open a kedai runcit instead of being a Dr. But always always remember why you chose this path, do it for the sake of your patients, do it for yourself. Find the sincerity in your heart to do whats right.